The pope greets the people from an open popemobile

The Popemobiles

When the pope is on tour he is transported in special vehicles, affectionately known as popemobiles. These often have a platform surrounded by bulletproof glass.

The popes car, carries the red lettered registration plate “SCV1”
SCV is short for “Status Civitatis Vaticanae” (State of the Vatican City).

This page contains a long list of vehicles that have carried his official “SCV1” registration plate.

1982 Leyland Constructor

Built for Pope John Paul II’s visit to the UK.

SCW 533X - 1982 Leyland Constructor 24-15 "Popemobile"

1984 GMC

Camions Pierre Thibault Inc. built this car for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Canada in 1984.


Mercedes M-Class

Pope's car - Popemobile

Fisker Ocean

Henrik Fisker, CEO of Fisker Inc. has made plans for the Popes first electric popemobile.

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