Chemical Factory H. Jørgensens Kemiske Fabriker

H. Jørgensens Kemiske Fabriker

H. Jørgensens Kemiske Fabriker (H. Jørgensen’s Chemical Factories) was a chemical factory in Copenhagen Denmark. In 1928 it was owned by H. Jørgensen, and based at Vesterbrogade 57 in Copenhagen THey produced Amyl Acetate, Amyl Alcohol, Ferrum Reductum, Hiozin Nursery Powder, Ethyl Chloride etc. Known products Hiozin was a children’s powder

The 1944 Yazoo River Railroad Swing Bridge
Main Categories

Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies have manufactured anything from toys to space rockets, spoons to suspension bridges. Denmark Dansk Aluminium Industi Illinois, USA Bates & Rogers Manufacturing Co. Bates & Rogers Manufacturing Co. built a series of railway bridges and tunnels. Indiana, USA Deterling Manufacturing Company Deterling Manufacturing Company built “Talking machines” in Indiana.

LM Ericsson's popular Ericophon from the 1950's

LM Ericsson

Lars Magnus Ericsson started the LM Ericsson telephone factory in 1876. The company started out repairing telegraph equipment and other manufacturers telephones, but already in 1878 Ericsson began producing and selling his own telephone equipment. Ericophon In 1954 Ericsson designed the Ericophon (also colled “The Cobra”) that was produced in millions of examples in a […]

Kodak Instamatic 100
New York

The Eastman Kodak Company

George Eastman started what would become Kodak, by manufacturing dry plates for photography in Rochester, New York in 1880. Eastman founded the “Eastman Dry Plate Company” on January 1st 1881, together with his partner, Henry A. Strong. This company was renamed The Eastman Kodak Company on the 23rd of may 1892. Cameras The Brownie camera […]