Before computers took over, there was a typewriter on almost every desk, and hundreds of thousands of typewriters were built and sold every year. Adler Adler built it’s first typewriters in 1898, and continued production until the business closed in 1995. Brother IBM IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) started building electric typewriters in the 1930’s, […]
Back in the day, cars were built in back yards and garages. While some were one-offs, others evolved into large scale production. Asia India Vehicle Factory Jabalpur Jonga Europe Denmark Hope Whisper Mini-El Sommer Zenvo England British Motor Boat Manufacturing Company Commer Cars Limited Rolls-Royce Triumph Germany Blitz Corona Fahrradwerke und Metallindustrie Corona Fahhradwerke und […]
You are probably reading this article on a smartphone, without thinking about it, as all other technology has an expiry date, where it no longer can be used. Even though the hardware might still work, one day it will fall silent. The first step will be when the operating system no longer will be supported […]
There has been a long row of lorry and bus manufacturers since horseless carriages began transporting goods and people. Africa South Africa SAMIL Asia Japan Toyota Korea Daewoo Europe England Guy Motors Leyland A Leyland Constructor was base for a Popemobile France De Dion Bouton Germany Berliner Motorwagen Fabrik Mercedes North America Diamond T General […]
During the soviet era, thousands of big impressive monuments were erected. Many of these still stand, but in many ex soviet states they have passed laws to remove them. For some they are a painful memory of the past, for others an important piece of history, they wish to keep for future generations. Remaining monuments […]
Since the first wet plate models, there have been a long row of camera manufacturers, many of whom have long disappeared. Agfa Agfa Camera-Werk AG has made a long row of camera models, as well as analogue film, scanners etc. Hasselblad Kodak The Eastman Kodak Company started as a Dry Plate manufacturer in 1880, and […]