Nokia 3310
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Telephone manufacturers

Europe Denmark Kristian Kirks Telefonfabriker Telefon Fabrik Automatic Finland Nokia Before Apple made smartphones a household item by launching their iPhone, it was Nokia that was the baseline cellphone.Unfortunately for Nokia, they weren’t fast enough to make their own competing smartphone. Sweden LM Ericsson Swedish LM Ericsson built millions of telephones, and is probably best […]

La Tropical De Luxe - Lambert & Butler - Imperial Tobacco Company
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Tobacco companies

Tobacco has been cultivated and used at least 3000 years, but the industrial revolution, created a great number of tobacco companies, large and small. The oldest evidence of Tobacco plantations have been found in Mexico, and are from before 1000 BC. Denmark C W Obel E. Nobel FDB Cigar- og Tobaksfabrikker N. Tørring Nordisk Tobaks […]

FIAT bus with Øveraasen snowplough - 1926
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Bus Companies

Since the invention of the “autobus” there have been bus companies transporting people from one part of a continent to another. Europe Denmark Bornholms Amts Trafikselskab De Bornholmske Jernbaner Københavns Sporveje England The Western and Southern National Omnibus Companies The United States of America Greyhound National City Lines National City Lines ran a series of […]

AEC Regent at the 1935 Commercial Motor Exhibit - Body by Charles H Roe Limited
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Coach builders

Coach builders are a rare bread nowadays, but back in the first half of the 1900s it was far more often to have a vehicle with a coach-built body. Especially vans, lorries and buses were delivered as a chassis, and a coach builder would fit bodywork that was tailored the customers needs. Today coach-builders primarily […]

Nicoltoys logo on a wooden box
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Toy factories

There has been a long row of toy factories, producing toys for all the children in the world. Some have closed and others have merged into larger companies Europe Denmark BR Legetøj Tekno England Nicoltoys Nicoltoys was a Sussex based company, that made all kinds of toys in the mid 1900s Germany Fisher The company […]

Mallard Pencil Company Georgetown, Kentucky, USA - 405 No. 2
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Pencil factories

There used to be a lot of small pencil factories, that made pencils in most larger towns. Some quickly closed again, while others found success and grew to large corporations. Denmark Viking Pencil Company Copenhagen England Alpco Pencils London Eagle Pencil Company Produced pencils in Tottenham and Norfolk, from 1907. Pencils Limited London United States […]

Oil field
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Oil companies

Before the combustion engine became a household item, you had to get your gasoline at shops and farmacies. Today Oil Companies are huge multinational companies, with departments and petrol stations world wide. Amoco British Petroleum – BP Buffalo Lubricating Oil Company Was sabotaged by one of the founders of competing company Vacuum Oil Company and […]