Løvens Kemiske Fabrik was a chemical factory in Copenhagen Denmark
Europe Denmark H. Jørgensens Kemiske Fabriker H. Jørgensens Kemiske Fabriker was based in Copenhagen Løvens Kemiske Fabrik Løvens Kemiske Fabrik (The Lions Chemical Factory) England Joseph Crosfield & Sons Joseph Crosfield & Sons was a soap and chemical factory based in England
Denmark has a very long coastline, and has been an active seafaring nation, since the Viking age. It can’t come as a surprise, that there also have been a long row of Danish shipyards. Burmeister & Wain Burmeister & Wain in Copenhagen, was one of Denmarks largest shipyards. Besides ships, they also built steam and […]

The Potter Drug and Chemical Company was established in 1865, and is best known for it’s antibacterial Cuticura soap, that still can be bought today. The Soap Factory was based in Boston, Massachusetts, and has now changed it’s name to Culticura Soap.

Soap factories have created their often scented products at least since 2800BC. Soap is made form a mixture of salts and fatty acids. Europe Denmark Aggerbeck Blumensaadts N. N. Blumensaats soap factory was established in 1838 England Joseph Crosfield & Sons Joseph Crosfield & Sons was an English soap factory. USA Massachusetts Potter Drug and […]

In 1901 a group of investors started a refinery in Port Arthur, after the discovery of oil at Spindletop in Texas. They chose to name their company Gulf Oil, after the nearby “Gulf of Mexico”. The flow of oil from Spindletop didnt last, and a pipeline from Oklahoma to Port Arthur in Texas was built […]
General Motors had a series of giant futuristic trucks, that toured America with the newest technology. The 1936 Streamliners The first set was a series of 8 custom built Streamliner busses. The 1939 Futurliners 12 Futurliners were built in 1939-1940. 9 of these are still accounted for. Each Futurliner was numbered and had a unique […]