Denmark New York

Scandinavian America Line

Scandinavian America Line (in Scandinavia “Skandinavien-Amerika Linien”) was a Danish steamship company, owned and run by DFDS “Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab” (Loosely translated: The United Steamship-Company in Danish) The company originated as the Thingvalla Line, the first steamship company in Denmark, to transport emigrants directly from Denmark to America.DFDS bought the company in 1898. Scandinavian America […]

Railroad tunnel with tracks
North America

North American railway companies

The time used to cross the vast expanse of North America was greatly reduced after North American railway companies began building tracks across prairies and mountain ranges. United States of America Illinois Central Railroad New York Central Railroad Indicted for breaking Inter-State Commerce laws together with Pennsylvania Railroad, Vacuum Oil Company and Standard Oil in […]

The 1944 Yazoo River Railroad Swing Bridge

Bates & Rogers Construction Co.

Bates & Rogers Construction Co. were based in Chicago, Illinois. The construction company is known for building a series of bridges and tunnels. Constructions: Bridges Bates & Rogers built a long row of bridges. The Yazoo swing railroad bridge Built in 1944 for the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad. If you have any information about […]

Deterling Talking Machines challenge comparison in every point from cabinets to tonal results - Deterling Mfg. Co. Inc

Deterling Manufacturing Co.

Deterling Manufacturing Company was established in 1918 in Tipton, Indiana, USA The manufacturing company was lead by Philip A Deterling. In the 1920’s it produced “Talking Machines”, that were mechanical gramophone players, nicely hidden in a wallnut cabinet with space for 78 records. The Talking machines were cranked by hand, unless you could afford the […]


Wagner Pencil Company

The Wagner Pencil Company uses eastern white pine for it’s pencils, and not cedar like most of it’s American competitors. Wagner is still in production, and has specialized itself in making pencils with digital art for corporations, as well as scented pencils.They have also made pencils that change colour, at different temperatures. Their largest customer […]

Closed Gasconade River Bridge" on Route 66

The Gasconade River Bridge

The Gasconade River Bridge was built in the 1920s, and was a part of the old Route 66, between Chicago Illinois and Los Angeles in California. In December 2014 the bridge was closed permanently, after having been degraded as a emergency bypass road for several years. During the flooding of Central Missouri in December 2015, […]