FIAT bus with Øveraasen snowplough - 1926
Main Categories

Bus Companies

Since the invention of the “autobus” there have been bus companies transporting people from one part of a continent to another.



Bornholms Amts Trafikselskab

De Bornholmske Jernbaner

DBJ - The Bornholm Railcompany - 1954
DBJ – The Bornholm Railcompany – 1954

Københavns Sporveje


The Western and Southern National Omnibus Companies

The Western and Southern National Omnibus Companies ticket - 1950s
The Western and Southern National Omnibus Companies ticket – 1950s

The United States of America


Greyhound Bus Stop
Greyhound Bus Stop

National City Lines

National City Lines ran a series of bus lines in cities across the nation. It was a National City Line bus in Montgomery, Rosa Parks made headlines in, during the 1950’s

The famous bus, were Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat, is now a museum piece
The famous bus, were Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat, is now a part of the Henry Ford Museum

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