Deterling Talking Machines challenge comparison in every point from cabinets to tonal results - Deterling Mfg. Co. Inc

Deterling Manufacturing Co.

Deterling Manufacturing Company was established in 1918 in Tipton, Indiana, USA

The manufacturing company was lead by Philip A Deterling.

In the 1920’s it produced “Talking Machines”, that were mechanical gramophone players, nicely hidden in a wallnut cabinet with space for 78 records.

The Talking machines were cranked by hand, unless you could afford the electrical power jack accessory.

Deterling Talking Machines challenge comparison in every point from cabinets to tonal results - Deterling Mfg. Co. Inc
Deterling Talking Machines challenge comparison in every point from cabinets to tonal results – Deterling Mfg. Co. Inc

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